quinta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2011

dai-me Luz

Ilumina-me para que eu possa ver o que é, sem hesitações
Dai-me luz
A mesma luz onde moram os anjos
A mesma luz que ilumina os caminhos,
A luz que transforma os homens
E os torna pessoas especiais.
Dai-me LUZ
A mesma luz que me retira a estranheza
E que me devolve a minha própria Natureza
A mesma luz que clareia os meus passos
E que me devolve um sentido de vida, de direcção
A mesma luz que no fundo do túnel
Abre um campo aberto de possibilidades,
Um universo de oportunidades.
A mesma luz, da cor da paz, da cor de um povo
Que vive no céu,
E que faz a minha vida na terra
Ter mais significado.

(Alexandra Solnado)
with love

segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2011

Quem és tu

Tomar controlo...

Tem dias que tudo parece que desmorona, que tudo o que faças é dificilmente apreciado por outros. parece que por mais que te dês nunca serás apreciado! Tem dias assim...
Tem dias que parece que não consegues mais caminhar na tua própria estrada que era cheia de flores e verde de relva...
As vezes o que à primeira vista parece mais fácil é simplesmente mais difícil..é preciso aprender a olhar com o coração, escutar a alma! Mas nunca esqueças seja qual for o caminho que escolheres, seja qual for a tua escolha ela será sempre a escolha certa. Acredita em ti, acredita na tua escolha, e segue em frente! Se quiseres mudar, muda, também podes mudar! Se quiseres voltar atrás volta atrás...nunca esqueças és livre! és uma pessoa livre
Serás sempre livre, mesmo que um dia venhas a acreditar que não o és.
Nunca esqueças disto no dia em que a tua vida está a desmoronar...talvez esse é o dia em que ela está mas é a reconstruir-se, dá tempo a ti, dá tempo...para senta-te escreve e fala contigo, verás que o que quer que sejas que sentes com essa mudança acabara por assentar, e tu acabaras por descobrir que essa mudança é boa para ti! Assim como todas as outras experiências que tiveste. Mesmo assim se quiseres chorar, chora! Chorar ajuda a libertar emoções, Chorar tira a dor do teu peito, mas às vezes terás de saber quando voltar a por os pés no chão levantar a cabeça e seguir em frente, limpar as lágrimas do teu rosto e dizer que agora é a tua vez! Sim é a tua de vez de amar ser amado e ser feliz!
Chora, e liberta o que tens acartado nos teus ombros...escuta os The Machine "shake it out"...e liberta-te!
Aprendi em NLP que uma estratégia para mudar o teu estado era simplesmente parar...pensar...lembrar um momento em que estavas muito feliz, lembrar-te da posição do teu corpo, de como estava a tua face, de como te sentias e tudo mais...depois sacode-te, liberta esse humor que tens e assume o novo humor, assume a nova postura corporal e assume a nova expressão facial, verás a mudança drástica k acontecerá! Acredita em ti!
Lembra-te Hoje é o Teu Dia! Tu está em Controlo! Qualquer que seja o problema serás capaz de enfrentá-lo e tudo se resolverá! Quando surgir o problema simplesmente para...para logo antes que venham outras informações incorrectas. Para. olha para ti e vê o k precisas mudar, põe-te na posição de observador, observa o que se passa, observa o que se passa nos dois lados, e verás que logo tudo estará resolvido!
Por mais que te apeteça desistir, por mais que tu queiras parar tudo, lembra-te que a maçã que comeste ontem não apareceu do nada! Ela veio da Macieira, que cresceu durante anos, passou (talvez) secas, inundações, agressões físicas como sol intenso, ventos, trovoadas, mas ainda resistiu e ofereceu-te uma doce maçã!  lembra-te disso...
Hoje toma tu o controlo e lembra-te não há como ver o problema em ti, assim será mais simples de resolver!
Hoje tenta lembrar-te quem tu és! E quem to queres ser...tudo depende de quem tu és e quem to queres ser perante determinada situação.
Não há nada que tenhas que fazer,
Não há nada que tenhas que ter,
Não há nada que tenhas de ser
excepto quem tu és neste preciso momento...

with love

terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2011

All About Love

Love, love and Love
Love everywhere

Let me start by telling you my Journey of real love. A journey that open so many roads. A journey with so many stops and bumps along the way, but a journey full of love and devotion. In this story you find my own opinion and my husband opinion about love.
Love is everywhere and anyone can experience true love, you only need to keep your heart open to it.
Always remember, the more you experience the more you know. Everything is already inside you, all the information is whithin you...
There is no Destiny or Fate, there is Life and What you Want. There is You Experiencing, living Life and enjoying all that that is happening around, the moments of joy and fun and the moments of pain and sorrow.
There is love in life, and with God on your side realy pure love will just unfold itself on your path. Just keep true and honest with yourself and you will just experience the pureness of love and to be loved.
All is part of life, all is part of you...and you have chosen to walk this specific path.

All this experiences are just about love! This is a Destination to love and to be loved.

This is the main reason we are here: To Love and to be Loved
and this is what everyone is looking for...LOVE!
But Love has different dimensions, leves and vibrations. But Still we all come to experience Love at the end.
LOVE as it is known is the most pure and strong feeling ever.

Once I went to watch a movie with my husband called "We need to talk about Kevin" I do reccomend it! It is a very touching story, of pure Love. A Mother's Love...
If you want to see through a movie what love means, and to follow a true love path then this you movie you should go watch with a loved one cause it will only your eyes truely and for the good. Watching this movie has brought tears to my eyes because this truly about what true love means and is.

Whatever you do, no matter what, a mother wont ever stop loving you, she might disagree, she might think you could do it differently, she can listen to comments from other people, but nothing or no one can stand between a mother love to a child. She will give up many things in her life, she will always be there...stanting still with arms wide open ready to hold you once more and say that she loves you!
And this movies is exactly about that...no matter what...the mother was still there trying to live her life and looking after her child.
And this movie represent every sentiment of real love regardless if its your mother, father or family. No matter what the circumstances your mother will still be there trying to live her life and looking after her children.

I did experience all this, i still do and it is the best feeling ever! When you have your mother's Love.
Wherever she is, she is always there for you and praying and looking after you, she can be with you, maybe on other city, other side of the world, other part of the unniverse...but wherever she is, she will be there always for you!
I always read a lot of spiritual books, and a lot is taught about love... unconditional love...the best thing ever :)

I do feel it towards my mother as well.

But someone that walked into my life has given me the opportunity to experience it with a different dimension and other level of depth.
That very special person has become my husband on a very special month, on a very special day.
It all started with a kiss, this is our story...one day you will have our book in your hands. today just a little taste of it.
we had been friends for a while and many people comented and asked who was that guy, what relationship I had with him, I told everyone the true tha my mind was aware of but my soul sometimes was telling something different, but it couldn't be possible, I didn't want to believe it or to see it. But yes, when we were together was always so pleasent, fun and joy, sharing experiences, talking about what we like, talking about sorrows and tear, but alwasys with a big smile, going out and enjoying each other presence because we did so well to each other, empowering and loving friends! And I always said to everyone he is a great friend, I love his presence, beeing in his company was just amazing and always fun.
My soul kept encouraging me to look for his company...
Things just went smoothly, but Ihad never other expectations, or wanted something more...what I had on those days was just the best thing ever.

Until one day...just for a few minutes he took a deep breath and enough courage to steel me a kiss...It was a magical moment and I couldn't sleep that.
and life has expanded and exploded, life got to other level, a different dimension...

And today we nourish each other with this kind of Love, unconditional Love. Loving and caring for each other, accepting each others difference, embracing and loving each other, supporting and empowering each other, forgiving and loving each other. Knowing that we will stand still no matter what.
Thanks to him today I experienced all this (and much more), thanks to him I discovered that I was also able to love unconditionally, with my whole heart! Able to give up something, able to care, able to hold someone's else hand, able to listen, agree or disagree, able to listen other peoples comments, able to trust and believe on someone else. Able to also stand still with arms wide open waiting for him to hold him once more, whatever happens!
And this is Love, no matter what you forgive, you accept and you embrace. You will love that person no matter what! I know many people experienced this, some not, or maybe did but didn't understood it...but at some point in you life all will come down to the most pure feeling and emotion which is Love.

Every day you experience love and all the other dimensions or levels of love, such as anger, hate, passion, desire, war, sadness, lies, true, patiente, care, warmth...and all other things you can think of.
They all exist and are real, they all exist in this dimension, we all experience most of them at some point, some at different levels and different intensity...but we do!
But I aspire always to experience the most uplifting, the most emotional and the most pure one...which is unconditional love...
And I believe everyone also looks for it, to be accepted by someone, to accept someone...just to love someone and be loved...and have a pleasent life! Thats all we look for...peace...
Someone people just decide to live consciously life, some people prefer to live unconsciously! But is only i choice  For me it makes a difference...

You are aware of what is coming, you might not know why is happening, but you are patient and strong and you just let it go...and things just sort out smoothly! With no pressures or stresses....

Love and embrace everything...
sometimes you might find difficult to get out of a emotion that you are experiencing, but you just need to remember Who You Are and then change will come, you just need to "upgrade" what you are feeling sadness, anger, hurt simply upgrade it to Love again and you will see.
Sometimes I know is not that easy, sometimes you just get so involved with daily life, but always give space to your self and you will see!
In my life I always been patient, sometimes little explosions occurred, but nothing special! Some people say Taurus are known to be very patient and keeping everything inside, keep accomulating until one day they explode...there is a side of me I don't know...that side you know better than me...so...

But my pleasent and peaceful life just keeps going smoothly, and I always have What I want, sometimes takes a bit longer, but I always get there.
Sometimes I also get a bit lost, but let me share something...living counsciously brought into my life something special...my soul is a child, loves to play and love fun, always excited and curious, sometimes can't wait for tomorrow, feeling like tomorrow never comes, sometimes she leaves my body and just travels all around up and down, front and back, spiral as well...traveling in my life time...and when she sees me lost or sad...she comes up with splendid Déjà Vu...showing me pictures of things that happen, that are happening, or things that will happen, and encouraging me to go, encouraging me to believe on me, saying to me...keep going, don't you worry you are on the right way :)
So today you too know a bit more, just let your self go, be free, release your self and live it!
Live life today!
Love yourself and everyone, whenever you not happy with the emotion or feeling you have simple shift it to other level or other state...just listen to your heart!
And remember with God your side, everything is possible. This is a true testimony that anything can be overcome, if you let go of your past and move towards our future and remember: God Loves you regardless of your situation and HE will make a way for everything.

With Love
with many thanks to my husband  ebvs

segunda-feira, 8 de agosto de 2011


Unlock your power today!

Sometimes it just comes, and you feel that you don't have any control, but it all has been created by you! Sometimes you just want to quit everything, some days you feel like just letting it go, you just want to forget everything, you just want to forget everything and be alone, or maybe go and don't come back, maybe leave everything behind, or maybe start over somewhere else, and just forget everything....it's a strong feeling, so strong that many of us will follow it, but...you can't change your mind, whatever you do...you can change everything, clothes, face, house, work...but you can't change your mind! No matter what you do! But...maybe you could embrace it, maybe you could look into the feeling that as arisen your body, and if you look deep into it you will notice that the feeling you have is one of your most pure emotions...it is LOVE...as you might remember love has different ways of being, different vibrations, but still love! And once you understand it, and once you start loving that feeling, the feeling will again vibrate in the most pure vibrational state, which is pure love again! With no fear, with no doubts...just being sure of Who you Are, just being sure that Only Good can come to you! Just at Peacejust be sure that your choice is the choice you want, the choice that makes you feel your true self!Somtimes you think quit is the best option...and it might be! Just be sure That Wathever you choose It will Always be the perfect Choice, cos it's your choice! Making you own choice only can make you strong and show how strong you are, always follow your heart!

Remember...it's all created by you! You can try today and observe what's going on from outside, just observe from a different point...and you can always go a bit more far and observe then from above, observing you observing what's going on! A good exercise is to write down all your thoughts and feelings...write it down, and notice each will represent one of yours internal voice, and then discover which one comes from your true self, wich one that will Let You Be Who You Want To Be today!

Sometimes you have been trying everything, sometimes you have been fighting so much, and you are tired, so you feel like quitting! That feeling comes into you...

...and you say to everyone you have been doing everything, you can't think of anything else, and the harder you try the more difficult it seems to be... You feel like you have done everything in your best knowledge to achive what you want! You Feel like the world is just against you, and is so difficult to get what you want...

once i said...

The only thing you can't have in your life...is what you don't want to have!

The only thing you can't achieve in your life...is what you don't want to achieve!

the only thing you can't do in your life...is what you don't want to do!

... Don't sabotage your life...

Maybe you could start by doing a commitment, and once you make it, then life will give you some answers.

Instead of just doing, instead of living unconscious...Les Brian says that making a commitment is more than saying "I'll try." It means saying "I'm all in. I'm totally committed here." Even if the going gets rough. In fact, especially then.

...aging puts wrinkles on the body. Quitting puts wrinkles on the soul...

So you can now stop trying hard, stop that internal fight, stop all your fights and commit yourself to yourself only! Love yourself!

Listen to your heart, to your soul! And let yourself be Who you Are! There is no time for you to worrie about, just be in peace, and sure that, whatever you want you will have! Just be sure of what you really want...if you are confused, then the Universe won't know what you want exactly



There is nothing you have to do

There is nothing you need to have

there is nothing you have to be,

except who you are right now...

With love

Miguel Da Silva

quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2011



What is it that keeps us looking for someone?! Someone that we even call “the one” or “the special one”, some people don’t look for a special,

they simple look for someone. Some people keep on looking and feel that they have to try everything, and do many things before finding someone to settle, some people just aspire to keep on staying single, some people just want have sex, and have as many partners as possible.

What is that we want in a relationship?! Many times we start a relationship, and after a while we think that it won’t last for long, or we need to shift that relation to a friendship, some people don’t feel comfortable to change it to a friendship a need to complete separate.

When we look for a relationship we try to look for someone who can make us happy, someone that can help us find plenitude and realization, someone to help us living. Aren’t we being selfish?! We looking to fill something that we think that we don’t have! We keep on looking in the outside what is inside of us. Even that we say that we going to share, we going to make the other happy, still aren’t we just trying to fill something that we think is empty?! Still aren’t we trying to be good enough to fill the other’s needs?! And what happens next…many of us can’t fill that emptiness! And we keep on asking why so many divorces nowadays?

Maybe we can try and shift to a new conscious…Maybe we can stop looking for someone, as many of us say when we keep on looking for something we won’t find it, even though is right in front of us, and then suddenly we stop looking, when we no longer care about it, we just find it!

We want freedom, we look for freedom! We want independency! We create dependency and restriction! Just look around you most relations are built on that…just the idea of needing someone to be happy is restrictive, doesn’t anyone the freedom to create, to be the Author of his own life! And we keep on having relationships that don’t last forever, relationships that we might feel like meaningless! Even though we know that everything has its reason to happen.

If we keep on putting the heavy responsibility on our lovers to fulfill us with freedom, and happiness, they will end up running away from us! Can you fulfill the other requests every day, at all times?!

We no longer need to look for nothing, as everything we need is inside us. What if you want to have a relationship to create something, and then you might be bringing into the relationship what you want to experience. And you will be the source for that you choose to create.

The real meaning of a relationship is to share your happiness, share plenitude! The reason for a relationship is for us to give! You don’t need to have any expectations about receiving as you know you are full of love, full of happiness! Imagine a relationship as a bowl where you can put everything in…and here is the magic…you can then “take out” and experience what you put in! If you expect by magic to find something inside the bowl without putting anything inside, maybe you will find something in…but soon it will end up!!! Imagine when u baking a cake, if you put some ingredient on your own you can have a cake…but imagine if you are baking with someone else, and you both put ingredients in… what you can have at the end?! Maybe more than when you were doing it on your own! And remember put some baking powder! When you put the cake inside the hoven, you want it to be good, but if it comes out with a less appealing shape, or not well cooked you can still be happy and eat it! So you don’t really need to have expectations, just be sure that whatever comes out it will be good! And just enjoy it! And just had something else if you want to!

I discussed about freedom in a relationship with many people, and I always believe that to love someone we just need to be free…to live independently! Living in communion with the loved one! No needs for “big brothers”! No needs to be constant vigilantly. No need for restrictions.

I believe that relationships should be based on total freedom. Our love doesn’t need to agree with who we are, just needs to understand.

And as Neale says all relationships should be experienced as a flow and constant reflow, a continuous process in constant change, where there are no rules or restrictions, and the only agreement is to say the truth, and all the preferences can be announced openly, the decisions and choices are made responsively and the outcomes accepted as a natural result of the flow and reflow.

The main aim of a relationship is the shift, and a relationship will work and last for the necessary time to it to happen.

“The holy relationship is where your inside finds the other exterior, and the other's inside finds your exterior, and in the best moments, both exteriors merge with the warmth of both interiors, allowing both interiors to find each other and awake to the consciousness that they are identical and One, and experience it.” I just love this definition of Love of Neale!

With Love

Start waking up today!


sexta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2011

Working Power of God

Does it exists? Do we really have a God?
many times we ask this?! And how many times did you get an answer?!
Just start remembering who you are, ask it in front of a mirror: Who am I?
Start discovering you, where did you came from, where you going, what you want, what you have to give?
Stop and listen to that internal voice...just look at the details of your life, go out of it and look from an observer point of view.
Look around you, and discover all you will see is just you, millions of copys of you! A part of you just standing in front of you! All you will find is love, we can resume it to love, all is love!
even anger, is love! Even hate is love!
Just transform it! Just stop and think what you give is what you get! And everything you are getting is what you soul is asking for, experience, is about feeling, getting into the emotion, into the word!
Love is what you will find.
Anything you want you can have, the universe is here to serve us! H
e is just waiting for us to ask for it! When you want something first imagine what is that, see it, feel it, imagine you possessing it, and then feel proud of you because you already have it! And don't worry, just relax! Because when you have something you don't worry about getting it! And after just give time to the universe so he can give it to you! If you are seeking for peace...Stop seeking...You Are Peace! If you are seeking for Love...Stop seeking...You Are Love! So you have it, and when you have plenty of it you just start giving it away, sharing with others!
Try this...try to give the others what they are looking for! The more you give the more you get!
There is no casuality, there is always a reason...look for it! find yours!
Release your self!
And where is God in all this?!!
Imagine God as being the whole, imagine a big book with a hardcover...with thousands of pages...
that book is God...imagine it as being the world...and then imagine each chapter represents a ocean, a continent...each chapter has is subchapter...imagine then a small one with 100 pages, this small one represents your country...and then you are there somewhere in a paragraph! Imagine what is written there in the whole subchapter...and then in your paragraph! would it make sense without you?! No...you are part of it, it can't exist without you! That paragraph represents your life...and is written by you! you choose, you create it! It's Your Life! and you have a great influence everywhere! So take control of your life! Your presence confirms the presence of others, it makes connection bettewn paragraphs, it makes the whole text have a meaning! And it makes life work!
Your power works miracles in the life of others....
And going back to the question....Where is God?!
You no longer need to look for him...you found it! you are God! and God is everywhere around you!
There is no need for you to walk alone, start gathering people, and walk with them!
There is no better than you, there is no worst than you!
There is no wrong or right!
there is God...there is what you want and what you need!
Give your self...and love others

with love

segunda-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2009

In touch

Após entrarmos em contacto com o nosso coração, estarmos mais próximos de nós mesmos, é mais fácil de sentir o que queremos...apesar das confusões das dúvidas que surgem, acabamos sempre por passar a entender os sinais que a vida nos dá! Estes serão interpretados à maneira de cada um, atendendo as experiências prévias.
Mas passamos a receber mais frequentemente mensagens a dizer que sentido, direcção desejamos...é como que uma chamada!
Muitas vezes serve para acalmar quando começamos a ficar muito ligados à terra, e vem o sinal dizer, não te preocupes...simplesmente continua a tua caminhada, vais no bom caminho, vai que chegarás onde queres!
Tem vezes que tanta informação é difícil entender... mas se conseguirmos manter a nossa rotina de contacto interior manteremos sempre a nossa candeia acesa!
É muito estranho viver na premonição, parece que vamos a frente...mas de repente ainda estamos atrás! É complicado saber em que ponto estamos, muitas vezes o que acontece é que chegou a mensagem, mas o cérebro faz uma selecção por parecer extremamente complicado a interiorização da mensagem, e porque sente que é melhor mantê-la no subconsciente!!!
Será interessante o dia em que as coisas começarem a assentar, e que a consciência permita o silêncio reinar, permita que as coisas se clarifiquem, e que a mensagem se torne mesmo a mensagem!
Mas é importante manter-se livre, livre de si, livre dos objectos, livre de julgamentos, livre de expectativas...tudo o que chegar a si é grandioso!
A mais pequena luz...só é pequena devido ao desejo ansioso de ver uma luz maior...quando na verdade essa luz pequena é tudo o que temos para ver!

Deixe-se levar pela emoção, escute o seu coração.

domingo, 11 de outubro de 2009

H1N1 um outro olhar

Não resisti à tentação! O próprio e-mail dizia...então tinha de o publicar por cá!

Insistindo sobre a grande farsa...
(Dr. Carlos Alberto Morales Paitán)
2000 pessoas contraem a gripe suína e todo mundo já quer usar máscara.

25 milhões de pessoas têm AIDS e ninguém quer usar preservativo...*

Que interesses econômicos se movem por detrás da gripe suína???

No mundo, a cada ano morrem milhões de pessoas vitimas da Malária, que se podia prevenir com um simples mosquiteiro.

Os noticiários, disto nada falam!

No mundo, por ano morrem 2 milhões de crianças com diarréia que se poderia evitar com um simples soro que custa 25 centavos.

Os noticiários disto nada falam!

Sarampo, pneumonia e enfermidades curáveis com vacinas baratas, provocam a morte de 10 milhões de pessoas a cada ano.

Os noticiários disto nada falam!

Mas há cerca de 10 anos, quando apareceu a famosa gripe das aves,
os noticiários mundiais inundaram-se de noticias...

Uma epidemia, a mais perigosa de todas...Uma Pandemia!

Só se falava da TERRÍVEL enfermidade das aves.

Não obstante, a gripe das aves apenas causou a morte de 250 pessoas, em 10 anos...ou seja, 25 mortos por ano.

A gripe comum, mata por ano meio milhão de pessoas no mundo.

Meio milhão contra 25.

Um momento, um momento.

Então, por que se armou tanto escândalo com a gripe das aves?

Porque atrás desses frangos havia um "galo", um galo de crista grande.

*A farmacêutica transnacional Roche* com o seu famoso *Tamiflu* vendeu milhões de doses aos países asiáticos.

Ainda que o Tamiflu seja de duvidosa eficácia, o governo britânico comprou 14 milhões de doses para prevenir a sua população.

Com a gripe das aves, a Roche e a Relenza, as duas maiores empresas farmacêuticas que vendem os antivirais, obtiveram milhões de dólares de lucro.

- Antes com os frangos e agora com os porcos.

- Sim, agora começou a psicose da gripe suína. E todos os noticiários do mundo só falam disso...

- Já não se fala da crise econômica nem dos torturados em Guantánamo...
- Só a gripe suína...

- E eu me pergunto-: se atrás dos frangos havia um "galo"... atrás dos porcos... não haverá um "grande porco"?

*A empresa norte-americana Gilead Sciences tem a patente do Tamiflu. O principal acionista desta empresa é nada menos que um personagem sinistro,* Donald Rumsfeld, secretário da defesa de George Bush, artífice da guerra contra Iraque...

Os acionistas das farmacêuticas Roche e Relenza estão esfregando as mãos, estão felizes pelas suas vendas novamente milionárias com o duvidoso Tamiflu.

Agora eu pergunto...

Será que essas doenças apareceram naturalmente?

Tenho minhas dúvidas...

Outra hipótese seria, a criação de doenças que ninguém conhece,

Mas que todos confiam no medicamento “milagroso”

O FAMOSO tamiflu...

A verdadeira pandemia é de lucro, os enormes lucros destes mercenários da saúde.
Não nego as necessárias medidas de precaução que estão a ser tomadas pelos países.

Mas se a gripe suína é uma pandemia tão terrível como anunciam os meios de comunicação.
Se a Organização Mundial de Saúde (conduzida pela chinesa Margaret Chan) se preocupa tanto com esta enfermidade, por que não a declara como um problema de saúde pública mundial e autoriza a fabricação de medicamentos genéricos para combatê-la?

Prescindir das patentes da Roche e Relenza e distribuir medicamentos genéricos gratuitos a todos os países, especialmente os pobres.

Essa seria a melhor solução.

Pois os meios de comunicação naturalmente divulgam o que interessa aos patrocinadores, não aos ouvintes e leitores.

pensem, pensem e tirem as vossas ilações!




Pesquisa personalizada

Desperte a sua consciência

Todas as mensagens aqui presentes são apenas resumos, todas as mensagens apenas servem para ajudá-lo a despertar a sua consciência, a estar atento aos sinais!
Se ao ler as mensagens sentir que estas deviam ser mais "profundas" é bom sinal...existe algo dentro de si que o levará a (re)lembrar-se de muitas mais coisas...por isso leia as mensagens, partilhe os seus pensamentos e ideias! Leia, investigue, questione e (re)descubra!
aproveite o momento...