sexta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2011

Working Power of God

Does it exists? Do we really have a God?
many times we ask this?! And how many times did you get an answer?!
Just start remembering who you are, ask it in front of a mirror: Who am I?
Start discovering you, where did you came from, where you going, what you want, what you have to give?
Stop and listen to that internal voice...just look at the details of your life, go out of it and look from an observer point of view.
Look around you, and discover all you will see is just you, millions of copys of you! A part of you just standing in front of you! All you will find is love, we can resume it to love, all is love!
even anger, is love! Even hate is love!
Just transform it! Just stop and think what you give is what you get! And everything you are getting is what you soul is asking for, experience, is about feeling, getting into the emotion, into the word!
Love is what you will find.
Anything you want you can have, the universe is here to serve us! H
e is just waiting for us to ask for it! When you want something first imagine what is that, see it, feel it, imagine you possessing it, and then feel proud of you because you already have it! And don't worry, just relax! Because when you have something you don't worry about getting it! And after just give time to the universe so he can give it to you! If you are seeking for peace...Stop seeking...You Are Peace! If you are seeking for Love...Stop seeking...You Are Love! So you have it, and when you have plenty of it you just start giving it away, sharing with others!
Try this...try to give the others what they are looking for! The more you give the more you get!
There is no casuality, there is always a reason...look for it! find yours!
Release your self!
And where is God in all this?!!
Imagine God as being the whole, imagine a big book with a hardcover...with thousands of pages...
that book is God...imagine it as being the world...and then imagine each chapter represents a ocean, a continent...each chapter has is subchapter...imagine then a small one with 100 pages, this small one represents your country...and then you are there somewhere in a paragraph! Imagine what is written there in the whole subchapter...and then in your paragraph! would it make sense without you?! are part of it, it can't exist without you! That paragraph represents your life...and is written by you! you choose, you create it! It's Your Life! and you have a great influence everywhere! So take control of your life! Your presence confirms the presence of others, it makes connection bettewn paragraphs, it makes the whole text have a meaning! And it makes life work!
Your power works miracles in the life of others....
And going back to the question....Where is God?!
You no longer need to look for found it! you are God! and God is everywhere around you!
There is no need for you to walk alone, start gathering people, and walk with them!
There is no better than you, there is no worst than you!
There is no wrong or right!
there is God...there is what you want and what you need!
Give your self...and love others

with love


Pesquisa personalizada

Desperte a sua consciência

Todas as mensagens aqui presentes são apenas resumos, todas as mensagens apenas servem para ajudá-lo a despertar a sua consciência, a estar atento aos sinais!
Se ao ler as mensagens sentir que estas deviam ser mais "profundas" é bom sinal...existe algo dentro de si que o levará a (re)lembrar-se de muitas mais coisas...por isso leia as mensagens, partilhe os seus pensamentos e ideias! Leia, investigue, questione e (re)descubra!
aproveite o momento...